The Assembly of Parties is the decision-making body of EUTELSAT IGO composed of all Member States.

The Advisory Committee, appointed by the Assembly of Parties, comprises of up to eight Member States.

The Secretariat, based in Paris, is the permanent body of the Organisation headed by the Executive Secretary.

The Executive Secretary is the legal representative and Head of Mission of EUTELSAT IGO.

The Joint Commission comprising representatives of EUTELSAT IGO and Eutelsat S.A. meets at least once per year.

Dates of all EUTELSAT IGO meetings
Organigramme EUTELSAT IGO


As stated in Article VII of the EUTELSAT Amended Convention, the Assembly of Parties is composed of all the Member States which are Parties to the Convention. The Assembly of Parties meets ordinarily every two years. It may also hold extraordinary meetings at the request of one or more Parties supported by at least one-third of the Parties or at the request of the Eutelsat S.A.

The Assembly of Parties adopts its rules of procedure which include provisions for election of its Chair, Vice-Chair and other officers, convening of meetings, representation, and voting procedures. The functions of the Assembly of Parties are defined in Article IX of the EUTELSAT Amended Convention. Between two ordinary meetings, the Assembly of Parties is assisted by an Advisory Committee.

The complete documentation for the Assembly of Parties is available on the secure area of the website. Username and password can be obtained through the Secretariat.

Advisory Committee

At each of its ordinary meetings, the Assembly of Parties appoints an Advisory Committee consisting of up to eight Member States. The Advisory Committee, which meets twice per year, provides advice to the Executive Secretary on budget, staffing and any matters referred to it by the Assembly of Parties. It has no decision-making role.

In March 2025, the Assembly of Parties appointed the Parties of Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Switzerland to the Advisory Committee until the next ordinary meeting of the Assembly of Parties which will take during the first half of 2027. Four other Member States may attend each meeting as Observers.

All the documentation for meetings of the Advisory Committee is available to accredited representatives of EUTELSAT IGO on the secure area of the website. Username and password can be obtained through the Secretariat.


The Secretariat, based in Paris, is the permanent body of the Organisation. It is headed by the Executive Secretary who is directly responsible for the performance of all functions of the Secretariat.

Mr Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski is the Executive Secretary of EUTELSAT IGO. Ms Estelle Schnitzler is the Administrator in charge of External Relations. Ms Petra Šajn is a project manager in charge of communications.


The Executive Secretary is the legal representative and Head of Mission of EUTELSAT IGO appointed by and responsible to the Assembly of Parties. In March 2025, at the 44th meeting of the Assembly of Parties, the mandate of the Executive Secretary, Mr Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski of Poland, was renewed for a period of four years from 2 July 2025.

Mr Piotr Dmochowski-Lipski is a senior executive with 35 years of professional experience in media, telecommunications, satellite, cable and space sectors. He served as Director General of Poland’s Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, and was an Expert Adviser to the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs. Chair of the EUTELSAT IGO Advisory Committee, he also represented Poland in ITSO (International Telecommunications Satellite Organization), ESA (European Space Agency), EBU (European Broadcasting Union) and various committees of the European Union. Mr Dmochowski-Lipski holds a Master’s degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, as well as an MBA with honours in Finance from Boston University. He is currently a Commissioner of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development.

He succeeded Mr Christian Roisse of France who was Executive Secretary from 2005 to 2017 and Ms Birgitta Näslund of Sweden who was Executive Secretary from 2001 to 2005.

Joint Commission

The Joint Commission comprising representatives of EUTELSAT IGO and Eutelsat S.A. meets at least once per year. The Commission is the official channel of communication between the two entities. Its role is to exchange information and views on subjects related to the fulfilment by Eutelsat S.A. of its obligations to EUTELSAT IGO.

Reports of the Joint Commission’s meetings are accessible to accredited representatives of EUTELSAT IGO on the secure area of the website. Username and password can be obtained through the Secretariat.

Upcoming Meetings


To be confirmed


First half of 2027


To be confirmed

Documentation on EUTELSAT IGO meetings is available to accredited representatives of EUTELSAT IGO on the secure area of the website. Username and password can be obtained through the Secretariat.

Tour Montparnasse
33 Av du Maine
75755 Paris Cedex 15

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